JATENG - The Solo City Government (Pemkot) urged that the conflict that occurred in the Surakarta Palace be resolved peacefully by immediately taking mediation steps.

"What must be done is make peace with his extended family. Allegation for the victory of the palace itself," said Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakosa in Solo, Central Java, Tuesday, December 27, as reported by Antara.

Thus, he said, the revitalization of the palace can be carried out immediately.

"The lucky ones are the palace, not us. Our job is to find money (for revitalization costs), then build it. If it is magnificent, it will be for cultural performances, customs, sharing everything," he said.

According to him, this condition would be better than the current one where there is a split. In addition, he assessed that so far the palace does not respect the government, both central and regional.

"In the past, the Ministry of Home Affairs was there, there was a wantimpres. The goal was for the palace to prepare a draft, but it was not implemented," he added.

In fact, according to him, the management of the Surakarta Palace must be filled by professionals.

"It's okay to be the highest'sinuwun' as the ruler, in which there is a secretary and so on. But the government's finances, we don't manage finances without receipts, money coming in and out must be 'balance' and can be accounted for," he said.

He said, if the Surakarta Palace wants to be built like the Mangkunegaran Temple, the people in it must be proactive.

"There is no turmoil between families first. (So far) the activities have always been opposite, they don't even tell the government. Okay, it's part of the palace tradition, but it can be collaborated with the government. It respects each other," he said.

He said, even though the Surakarta Palace has its own territory, it is still under the Indonesian government.

"Yes, everything must be subject to, the order of the government. When it comes to culture, it is the authority of the palace, when it comes to the government that he is part of the Baluwarti Village, Pasar Kliwon District. So he must respect the government order," he said.

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