YOGYAKARTA Extreme weather is unusual climate change. One example is very heavy rain and catastrophic storms that have the potential to occur in the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area on Wednesday, December 28, 2022.

Extreme weather causes rising air temperatures above sea level. This can trigger storms and hurricanes. Therefore, extreme weather can cause disruption and harm to the community.

According to the Regulation of the Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (KBMKG) Number 009 of 2010 concerning Standard Operating Procedures for the Implementation of Early Warning, Reporting, and Dissemination of Extreme Weather Information, what is meant by weather is atmospheric conditions that occur at certain times and places.

Meanwhile, extreme weather is an abnormal, unusual weather change that can result in losses, especially the safety of lives and property.

In this regard, there are institutions that have the authority to monitor weather conditions in Indonesia, namely the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

BMKG has its own criteria in stating the conditions of a weather that occurs, including extremes or not.

Causes of Extreme Weather

Reporting from the length of repo.itera.ac.id, extreme weather is caused by the active Asian Monsoon where a periodic wind blows from the Asian continent to the Australian continent that passes through Indonesia.

The periodic wind causes the rainy season in Indonesia. If extreme weather is in progress, the pattern of convergence and slowdown in wind speed will occur in several areas. Therefore, the water vapor that becomes a rain cloud will be concentrated in an area so that the water that decreases in intensity is high.

In addition, heavy rains for a long time can also occur due to the convergence and slowdown.

Another factor that causes extreme weather is the presence of warm sea surface temperatures in Indonesia and its surroundings which trigger condensation into rain clouds and atmospheric wave phenomena.

It is this atmospheric wave that can then increase the potential for wet air in a number of areas in Indonesia that cause rain and extreme weather.

Extreme Weather Signs

Adapting Kompas, Tuesday, December 27, 2022, extreme weather can be recognized through the following signs:

People who see or feel signs of extreme weather, are asked to remain vigilant and careful, and pay attention to directions if there is an early warning of extreme weather from BMKG.

In the KBMKG regulation Number 009/2010, extreme weather early warning on land includes elements:

The Impact of Extreme Weather

Extreme weather such as heavy rain that can be accompanied by strong winds, lightning or lightning, tornadoes, hail, and so on, can generate huge losses.

Some of the impacts caused by extreme weather conditions are:

This is information about the meaning of extreme weather, the causes, signs and impacts it causes. Hopefully it will be useful!

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