BANDUNG - The West Java Regional Police are exploring the prostitution network of TA artists. There are six fellow TA artists who will be questioned by the police.

"This week there will be 6 people being questioned," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago, Tuesday, December 22.

However, the West Java Regional Police did not reveal the identities or initials of the six TA fellow artists who would be examined.

"Fellow TA fellow artists, the initials will be," he explained.

Kombes Erdi said the investigation was carried out on several people who were suspected of being the network of the three secured pimps.

"Yes, related to the three pimps," he explained.

For the TA model, the police confirmed that they would be questioned again if needed.

"TA is obliged to report, so if we need information, we can call back," he concluded.

The West Java Regional Police previously named three suspects with the initials RJ (44), AH (40), and MR (34). According to him, they have different roles, while TA is now declared a victim witness.

"For this TA, we get information on 75 million a day of dating," said Erdi, Friday, December 18.

According to Erdi, each pimp got a 10 percent profit. However, the police are still investigating the linkages of a number of other artists in the alleged prostitution case of the artist.

Because the pimp with the initials MR alias Alona is suspected of having a network of artists and suspected prostitutes in each region.

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