JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN through the Greater Jakarta Distribution Unit ensures that Control of Electricity Consumption (P2TL) continues. This is because there are still many unscrupulous people who commit violations, even the number reaches 275 thousand.

Doddy P Pangaribuan, General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya, said that violations of electricity use are very dangerous for the community. Therefore, PLN UID Jakarta Raya continues to take the initiative to control it, even though it is not actually the domain of PLN.

"As an electricity company we follow the regulator Director General of Electricity, there is electricity safety, we follow the standards. What does a standard mean if it is not accompanied by orderly behavior from all of us PLN employees and generally our consumers," said Doddy, in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, December 22 .

At the time of prosecution against fraudulent community members, said Doddy, it was not uncommon for PLN officers to get resistance. Even to the point of threatening the safety of officers.

"Disorderly use that is not according to the designation will be disciplined. Here it is usually quite challenging, there is conflict there. Sometimes there are those that threaten the safety of our officers' lives," he said.

Because of that, said Doddy, in controlling this, his party is working with the TNI and Polri. "With assistance, cooperation with agencies, thank God, has been going well," he said.

PLN Sidak 275 Thousand Customers

Doddy said, PLN UID Jakarta Raya itself until last November had carried out Control of Electricity Consumption (P2TL) on 275 thousand customers.

"275 thousand subscribers were inspected for 9 months. This means that on average we check on 30 thousand customers every month," he said.

Doddy explained, violations against the use of electricity by using various dangerous tools for the customers themselves. Some of the consequences that can be caused are, for example, being hit by an electric shock, the meter is burning so that it can cause a fire.

Furthermore, he said, fire due to electricity on average occurs due to negligence from the community itself. For that he appealed to the public to use electricity in accordance with existing capacities and regulations. Because, incidents caused by community negligence were actually triggered by acts of violations.

"The installation is not correct, which is not PLN installed. It is often found that the spark utilization of electricity is not standard if the SNI standard product has been tested if there is no potential for spark. It could also be caused by damage to the insulation of the cable," he explained.

For example, continued Doddy, because of a mouse bite that opens and nearby are objects that are flammable or invite sparks. Then, he said, the misuse of electricity has the potential to cause fire.

For your information, violations against the use of electricity, including theft of electricity, have again been highlighted by the government. The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) asked PLN to focus on improving services to the community so that trust increases and customers can increase.

BUMN Minister Erick Thohir previously admitted that he was surprised by the current condition of PLN which is still the victim of electricity theft. For that, he asked for service improvement through the use of technology.

The use of smart grids, smart meters is a key form of business transformation. This is to reduce mis-targeted subsidies, or complaints from customers.

"I apologize, I am not suudzon, electricity was classified. These things with the smart grid and smart meters are all measurable. So digitization to PLN is very important," said Erick.

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