JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is rumored to be about to remodel or reshuffle a number of ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

Responding to this reshuffle, Chairman of the DPP Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Mardani Ali Sera assessed that there are several things that must be considered before Jokowi announces the names of his new ministers, including the readiness of the prospective minister to work immediately.

Although looking for ministers is President Jokowi's prerogative, according to Mardani, finding ministers who can directly work in the field is urgently needed at this time. Moreover, the current situation in society is difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The people are having a hard time, looking for (ministers, red) who can immediately work," Mardani told reporters, Tuesday, December 22.

Apart from being able to work right away, this member of the DPR asked President Jokowi to pay attention to the track records of his assistant candidates who will be sworn in in the near future. Moreover, recently, the face of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet had to be tarnished because there were two ministers, namely the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo and the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Juliari Peter Batubara who were caught in a corruption case in the near future.

"Make sure (those elected, red) are competent and not corrupt," he said.

Even if necessary, Mardani said Jokowi could hold the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to check the track records of the ministerial candidates he was aiming for. "So look for someone who can work immediately, clean, and honestly," he said.

As previously reported, the certainty of this reshuffle was even brighter after the Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said that a new figure who would sit in the ministerial seat would be introduced to the public on Tuesday, December 22. However, the exact schedule awaits President Jokowi's time.

"Of course it will be introduced to the public by the president, whose time is to adjust to the president's time, either morning or afternoon," Heru told reporters.

Meanwhile, regarding the number of ministers who were reshuffled, the Chairman of the DPP National Justice Party (PKB) Faisol Riza said there were at least six ministers. However, he did not explain which ministers Jokowi would overhaul.

"I heard that there will be six positions that will be affected, but there could be more," Faisol told reporters, Monday, December 21.

Not only that, the Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR also said that there would be changes in the deputy minister's post in the form of increasing numbers.

It's just that, based on the leaks he received, Jokowi will fill his cabinet with young people. "(Cabinet, red) will be filled by young people so that the cabinet will be more dynamic," he said.

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