Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo has completed the target of 11,417 housing rehabilitation assistance in 2022. The target has increased to 15 thousand units in the coming year, and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2023.

Head of the Central Java Public Housing and Settlement Area (Disperakim) Agency, Arief Djatmiko alias Miko, said the provincial government's target of providing RTLH rehabilitation assistance in 2022 will reach one hundred percent.

"The target (in 2022) is 11,417 (units), all of which have been distributed to the public 100 percent," he said.

Miko explained that the number of RTLH assistance provided had developed since the beginning of Ganjar's leadership in 2013. "Starting 2013-2014 with only 900 units. In its development in the last four years the figure has been around 11,000 units," he said.

He said the target of RTLH's rehabilitation assistance was the community who was included in the Social Welfare Integrated Data List (DTKS).

"In addition to efforts to complete his house as part of reducing community spending costs, as part of efforts to revive the economy, starting in 2020 it will also be labor-intensive," he said.

He added that currently the amount of RTLH's repair assistance through the Central Java APBD is Rp. 12 million per house with details of Rp. 10 million for materials, and Rp. 2 million for labor-intensive.

Miko explained that the value for the labor-intensive work was divided for six people who worked for three days. Including for consumption while working.

"Last year (2021-2022) the total covered in labor is more than 33 thousand people per year," he said.

Miko said, from these achievements, it is hoped that in 2023 there will increase to more to 40 thousand people. "This effort is part of the commitment of the provincial government and the governor, in addition to improving the quality of their income," he added.

According to him, the RTLH assistance has indirectly brought up the economic growth of the community. It can be seen that the reduction in the poverty rate was quite significant last year," he said.

He said, in 2023, Governor Ganjar Pranowo will increase the value of RTLH assistance. Namely to Rp. 18 million for materials, and Rp. 2 million for labor-intensive.

"The Rp2 million remains attached as an effort to improve the community's economy. So next year (total RTLH rehabilitation assistance) will be Rp20 million," he said.

Miko said that apart from the added value, Ganjar also increased the number of RTLH rehabilitation assistance targets by 15 thousand units.

"We will try to accelerate it in the first semester, hopefully the progress will be more than 80 percent. We hope it can be completed in the first semester," he said.

Constraints on completion, continued Miko, could have occurred due to data changes. For example, recipients of aid die, or move outside the region.

"But this year one hundred percent clear all 11,417 units," he said.

Under the leadership of Ganjar Pranowo, until 2022, Disperakim noted that he had built 1,041,894 units of Healthy Homes worth living for the poor throughout Central Java.

This achievement does not come from one APBD funding only. But it also comes from the central government budget and district/city government.

In the realization of the RTLH renovation, Ganjar implemented a mutual cooperation financing system. Apart from the government budget, Ganjar invites cooperation in other sectors such as Baznas, private companies, BUMN, BUMD, to philanthrop.

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