JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the flow of money in the alleged corruption case in the distribution of revolving funds by the Cooperative, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (LPDB-KUMKM) Fund Management Institute in 2012-2013.

The KPK conducted a search through the examination of the entrepreneur witness Endang Suhendar at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Friday, December 23.

"The witness was present and his knowledge was investigated, among others, related to the alleged flow of money received by the suspect KD (Danial Public Relations/Director of LPDB-KUMKM 2010-2017)," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in his statement, Monday 26 December.

In addition, the KPK also examined another witness, namely the supervisor of the main cooperative at the Deputy for Cooperatives and SMEs/Inspectorates of the 2015 Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Suparno.

"His knowledge was explored, among others, related to the supervision carried out by the Ministry of Cooperatives on the use of revolving funds by LPDB-KUMKM which was then managed by KD suspects," he said, confiscated by Antara.

The KPK has named four suspects in the case, namely KD, Head of Supervisory of the West Java Street Vendors Cooperative (Kopanti) Dodi Kurniadi (DK), Secretary II of West Java Kopanti Deden Wahyudi (DW), and Director of PT Pancamulti Niagapratama (PN) Stevanus Kusnadi (SK).

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that in 2012 the decree as the Director of PT PN met with the intention of offering the building of the East Bandung Plaza Mall (BTP) whose building conditions have not been completed 100 percent.

The SK offer, among others, is so that KD can help and facilitate the provision of financial loans from LPDB-KUMKM. KD approved the offer and recommended that SK immediately meet Andra A. Ludin as the Head of the West Java Kopanti Center so that he could condition the technical application for a fund loan through an application to Kopanti West Java.

In accordance with KD's directives, then Andra A. Ludin asked DK to apply for a loan of Rp. 90 billion to LPDB for the purchase of kiosks at BTP Mall covering an area of 6,000 square meters which will be given to 1,000 MSME actors.

The KPK revealed that the data on MSME actors attached did not reach 1,000 people and were suspected to be fictitious, but were still forced so that the revolving funds could be immediately disbursed through the opening of a bank account coordinated by DW.

In order for the distribution of funds to be rolled out to be realized immediately, KD then made a letter of cooperation agreement with Kopanti West Java without following and following the business analysis and risk management.

In the 2012-2013 period, the KPK said that it had been disbursed with revolving funds to 506 MSME actors assisted by Kopanti Jabar amounting to Rp116.8 billion with a return period of 8 years.

The total Rp116.8 billion was then automated through Kopanti Jabar's bank account. Then it was paid to SK's PTPN Bank account amounting to Rp98.7 billion.

It was also revealed that because the return on loans that could be made by SK was only Rp. 3.3 billion and was categorized as stuck. KD then issued a policy to change the return period to 15 years.

The KPK suspects that KD then received around Rp. 13.8 billion and the facilities for the fried chicken kiosk at BTP Mall from SK, while DK and DW are suspected of also enjoying and getting facilities, among others, in the form of cars and houses from Kopanti West Java.

As a result of the actions of the suspects, the state's finances cost around Rp. 116.8 billion.

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