One Family In Menteng Jakpus Quoted By Mobile Electronic Sales, Unaware Victims Leave Millions Of Rupiah

The Central Jakarta Metro Police will immediately follow up on a viral video of alleged fraud experienced by a resident in Kali Pasir, Menteng District, Central Jakarta.

"Please, the victim can make a report so that we can clearly find out the chronology. It must be followed up," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Monday, December 26.

Previously, the alleged fraud took place in the Kali Pasir Menteng area. The action was caught on CCTV surveillance cameras at the scene.

In the tape, only a woman can be seen walking into one of the alleys where several mothers are sitting. Then the woman handed over the brochure paper to the residents.

Sementara dalam video yang tersebar di media sosial, juga tertulis narasi satu keluarga menjadi korban penipuan 3 orang sales elektronik pada Kamis, 22 Desember.

The perpetrators came to the victim's house and claimed to be from a shop in the Glodok area, West Jakarta. With the mode of offering electronic goods credit, the perpetrator confused the victim until the victim was unconscious.

Unknowingly, the victim suddenly handed over millions of rupiah. The perpetrator then fled with the money.

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