JAKARTA - The attorney for hundreds of victims of KSP Indosurya M Ali Nurdin said the victims of the Indosurya savings and loan cooperative (KSP) wanted their funds back.

"We hope that the prosecutor's demands will confiscate the assets to be returned to the victim," he said in a written statement, Sunday, December 25, as reported by Antara.

This was conveyed by him regarding the trial of the KSP Indosurya case with the defendant Henry Surya which had been running at the West Jakarta District Court (PN).

He explained that hundreds of victims of KSP Indosurya were also present at the West Jakarta District Court to meet Henry Surya in person. However, the Panel of Judges actually held an online trial, so hundreds of victims were disappointed because they could not meet the defendant Henry Surya.

One of Richard's victims who was accompanied by Ali Nurdin added that his party had heard that the prosecutor had confiscated assets from Indosurya, which also reached trillions of rupiah.

According to Richard, the refund is the hope that hundreds of victims may also represent thousands of members of KSP Indosurya throughout Indonesia.

Therefore, the victim strongly depends on his fate to the prosecutor in the trial of the case of fraud and embezzlement of KSP Indosurya.

Richard revealed that if the decision on the refund or the victim's money does not occur, his party also hopes that the previous process of delaying debt payment obligations (PKPU) can be continued. This is because their hope is clear so that the funds can be returned to each victim.

"We have no problem when the prosecutor later demands a low sentence from Henry Surya. Only for victims the important thing is that the funds can return," he hoped.

On the other hand, said Richard, the victim assessed that the prosecutor was really trying to recover the loss from the Indosurya victim. Because, to the victim's knowledge, the prosecutor has also confiscated around Rp. 2.7 trillion of Indosurya's assets.

In fact, he continued, the prosecutor's latest proposal for additional confiscation of Indosurya's assets to the Panel of Judges and only partially granted, such as Indosurya's moving objects.

Richard said the hopes of the victims were a loss that could be returned. Furthermore, do not believe that the prosecutor did this as in the case of the trading robot Fahrenheit which was tried at the West Jakarta District Court.

"The confiscated assets were returned to the victims. That is our hope," he said.

According to him, the prosecutor's seriousness was previously conveyed by the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) Fadil Zumhana. Fadil in his statement ensured that prosecutors protected Indosurya victims, which reached around 23 thousand people with losses based on the report on the results of the PPATK analysis, reached Rp106 trillion.

"That is why the prosecutor seriously prosecuted Henry Surya and tried to recover the victim's losses through the confiscation of Indosurya's assets," he concluded.

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