Four houses were damaged due to being hit by tidal waves in the Tammerodo Village area, Sendana District, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar).

"For now, there are four houses that we have conveyed to the government that are in a badly damaged condition due to tidal waves," said Hermadi, a resident in Majene, Sunday, December 25.

He said residents panicked due to tidal waves destroyed their homes and ran to the highway to save themselves

He said, before destroying the houses of the tidal waves, he also destroyed the wave-resistant embankment.

"The sea water wave from the Makassar Strait looked scary because it was high and strong, because along with the high tide, the waves came with strong destruction of residents' houses," he said.

He said residents had run to the road to save themselves from leaving their homes, and they had now fled to their families' homes.

"Residents hope for government assistance because currently they have lost their homes, apart from losing their homes, they also lost their valuables and were carried by tidal sea waves," he said.

Meanwhile, acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Akmal Malik still asked residents to remain vigilant because the waters of West Sulawesi are being hit by extreme weather.

He also asked residents to be aware of floods and landslides that can occur during extreme weather.

"The government will try to help the community in difficulties in dealing with disasters and ask that the regional disaster management agency (BPBD) of West Sulawesi move to help people affected by disasters," he said.

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