Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy took the time to visit the Santa Maria Catholic Church on the sidelines of his activities to attend the opening of the 16th Muhammadiyah East Java Conference in Ponorogo Regency, East Java, Saturday, December 24.

The inspection was carried out to ensure readiness and security during this year's Christmas worship for Christians.

"The results of the monitoring with the Police Chief and the Dandim in general are ready, hopefully, everything will run smoothly and there will be no disturbances," said Muhadjir as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 25.

He assessed that the readiness to secure Christmas and New Year's 2023 in Ponorogo was quite good.

"Several security posts have been established. Both in front of churches, centers of crowds as well as in traffic routes that are prone to traffic jams or tourist objects that become tourist 'jujujugan' (purposes)," he said.

Muhadjir added that at this year's Christmas celebration, the capacity of the congregation was allowed for 100 percent.

However, every visitor must pay attention to health protocols.

In addition, church managers are also allowed to increase their capacity by setting up tents outside the church.

"Because the momentum of the Christmas holiday may increase from outside the region, it is permissible to set up a tent if the congregation increases," he said.

He also hopes that the Christmas celebrations can run smoothly, including anticipating security disturbances so that congregants can worship solemnly.

"I really ask to provide full security guarantees for those who worship, make sure those present are determined to worship," he said.

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