JAKARTA - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has appealed to residents outside the city to carry out an antigen rapid test if they plan to visit Bandung City no later than three days before arrival.
Mayor of Bandung Oded M Danial conveyed this through Circular number 440 / SE.149-Bag.Huk regarding travel health protocols, dated Monday, December 21, 2020. The appeal is contained in point 4b which is addressed to vehicle users on private and public land.
"Travelers who use land transportation, both private and public, are advised to use a rapid antigen test at most 3x24 hours before departure," said Oded as quoted by Antara, Monday, December 21.
Even though it is an appeal, there are categories that are required to take the antigen rapid test in the circular. In point 4a, the antigen rapid test is mandatory for residents using air and intercity rail transportation.
"You must show a certificate of negative results using the antigen rapid test no later than 3x24 hours before departure," he said.
There is also a circular letter in point 4d that is exempted from the obligation to take the antigen rapid test, namely children under 12 years of age. This age group of children is not required for the RT PCR test or the antigen rapid test as a condition of travel.
However, at point 5, Oded still requires each individual to apply health protocols starting from wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and not crowding.
In addition, each individual is required to show negative results from the antigen rapid test and the COVID-19 swab test when visiting tourist attractions in the city of Bandung.

Therefore, Oded hopes that the community, both residents who live in the city of Bandung and residents outside the city, will help support the government's commitment to preventing the spread of COVID-19.
"It is very necessary to have a joint commitment between regional orders, businesses and the public to limit activities and avoid crowds, especially during the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays," he said.
Apart from the city of Bandung, tourists usually come to tourist attractions in Bandung Regency. South Bandung does have a myriad of tourist attractions. There is Rancaupas Ciwidey, Ciwidey White Crater as well as Situ Patengang.
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