The Class IV Port Authority (KSOP) Office of Tanjung Pandan, Belitung, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, has postponed the voyage or departure of ships in the area due to extreme weather. "We have temporarily postponed the departure of the Pangkal Balam ship to Pangkalpinang City due to extreme weather factors," said the Coordinator of Campard Safety, Guard and Patrol of the Class IV KSOP Tanjung Pandan Iswandi Office in Tanjung Pandan, Antara, Friday, December 22. KSOP Class IV Tanjung Pandan postponed the departure of the ship to and from Tanjung Pandan port from 22-26 December due to extreme weather factors. The delay is intended for all types of ships such as motorboats, motorboats, passenger ships, and small wooden boats to Jakarta or Pangkal Pinang. Based on information released by BMKG, the wave height in the waters of the northern part of the Karimata Strait, Gelasa Strait, northern waters of Belitung, southern Karimata Strait, and western Java Sea range from 2.5 to four meters. "After December 26, we will re-evaluate until the weather is safe for shipping," he said. Iswandi said, in addition, his party had issued notification letters to the leaders of shipping companies, ship captains and associations of local commercial shipping entrepreneurs regarding extreme weather for the next five days. "All skippers and all shipping service users should always pay attention to weather developments and not force themselves," he said. He added that all ship operators and skippers are required to monitor weather conditions every six hours and report the results to the nearest Coastal Radio Station (SROP) and KSOP offices and record them into "Log-books". "For ships sailing for more than four hours of shipping to the captain, it is mandatory to attach a signed weather report before submitting the SPB to the harbormaster," he said. Iswandi appealed that if the ship on the cruise gets bad weather, it should immediately take shelter in a safe place with the condition that the ship must remain in a state ready to be moved. "Every ship that takes shelter must report to the nearest Syahbandar and SROP by informing the ship's position, weather conditions, condition of the ship and other important things," he said.

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