JAKARTA - A report from Guard Defenders - a rights group focused on Spain-based Asia - caused a stir. Two reports published since September wrote China established 102 foreign police stations in 53 countries, including Japan.

The government in Tokyo is investigating the report. Not only Japan. Similar examinations were also carried out by authorities in European countries, the United States, and Canada.

Quoted from Japan Today, Thursday, December 22, the Defenders Guard Report wrote that Chinese police used their 'police station' to target their citizens living abroad to return home to face criminal charges.

China clearly denies the allegations.

"China has always adhered to the principle of not interfering in domestic affairs of foreign countries, strictly obeying international laws and respecting the judicial sovereignty of each country," said foreign ministry spokesman Mao Ning.

"The so-called China foreign police station doesn't exist at all."

Guard Defenders said in a September report that police from the Chinese city of Fuzhou had established a "service station" in Tokyo. The group indicated in a follow-up report that police from China had a similar office somewhere in Japan.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Hirokazu Matsuno promised to take all necessary steps to ensure the truth of the information.

Matsuno said Japan had also informed Chinese authorities that any activity that violates Japanese sovereignty was not justified.

South Korean authorities are investigating a similar alleged activity there, Yonhap news agency said in a report.

A spokesman for the foreign ministry in Seoul declined to comment directly on the report but added: "We are communicating with the relevant countries to ensure the activities of foreign institutions in our country comply with our domestic laws and international norms."

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