YOGYAKARTA - Drs. Arifin, Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), has been in the public spotlight in recent times. Arifin has been widely discussed because of his wealth.

Arifin is said to be the richest Provincial Government (Pemprov) official in DKI Jakarta. Arifin's total wealth is IDR 24.5 billion based on data in the state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN).

Many are wondering where did the assets come from? Arifin revealed that all of his assets and assets came from his own efforts for decades as a state civil servant (ASN).

Arifin has been pursuing a career in ASN for the past two decades. Arifin said that at that time the price was still affordable to buy many assets. So what is the profile of Kasatpol PP DKI Arifin?

Arifin has a household with his wife, Witri Yenni. From the marriage of the two of them, three children were born.

Arifin studied elementary school level at SDN 4 Jembatan Lima in 1985. Graduated from elementary school, Arifin continued his education at SMPN 32 Pajegalan in 1988. Furthermore, Arifin continued his studies at SMAN 17 West Jakarta in 1991.

After high school, Arifin continued his education to a higher level, namely at the DIII STPDN Jatinangor in 1994. Then he pursued Strata 1 education at STIA-LAN in 1997. After that, Arifin continued his Strata II Graduatesarjana STIA-LAN education in 2005.

Arifin has worked in the government for a long time and has held a number of positions. Arifin started his career in the village-level government bureaucracy.

Arifin is not only satisfied with working in government agencies. But he also participated in a number of training to improve his qualification.

Kasatpol PP DKI Jakarta Arifin is said to have chosen a wealth of 24.5 billion pieces of data reports as of 2021. However, Arifin stated that he entered the wrong data at the LHKPN.

"There is an error in filling in the data, I will fix it later," said Arifin.

But Arifin did not explain what caused the mistake of filling in the LHKPN data for the 2021 period. However, at that stage, Arifin did indeed have assets and assets, including tax officials in the DKI Provincial Government.

In 2015, Arifin was reported to own land and buildings with a total value of IDR 2.51 billion. Then in 2017, he owned a land asset worth IDR 1.8 billion in East Jakarta.

That is the profile of Kasatpol PP DKI Arifin. Arifin's assets, which have been questioned by netizens, come from assets and assets from income while working. In addition, Arifin has also earned a number of achievements, such as the best lurah, the best sub-district head, and others.

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