'Terrorist Actions As In The Astanaanyar Police Should Not Be Repeated', The National Police Chief's Ultimatum For All Police
Photo via Antara

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave an ultimatum to his staff to continue to detect acts of terrorism early. Thus, the suicide bombing incident like at the Astanaanyar Police would not happen again.

This statement was made by Listyo Sigit while leading the 2022 Candle Operation Forces Ceremony at the South CAwas Field of the National Monument, Jakarta, Thursday, December 22.

"The threat of terrorists is a serious disturbance, I need to emphasize that acts of terrorists like the Astanaanyar Police should not happen again," said Listyo Sigit.

In addition, Sigit also asked his staff to prioritize preventive strike actions. Especially in the center of the crowd.

By taking preventive measures, it is hoped that it can prevent acts of terror.

"And take strict precautions in crowded centers, places of worship and other places that have the potential to become targets of terror attacks," said Sigit.

For information, the suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police took place on Wednesday, December 7. In that action, 12 people became victims.

Of the dozens of victims, one victim died. He is a member of the Astanaanyar Police.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator is identified as Agus Sujatno. He is a terrorism convict for being involved in the pot bomb a few years ago.

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