BANDUNG - Artists and models with the initials TA are required to report. TA was arrested in connection with a prostitution case in Bandung, West Java.

TA was sent home by the police on Saturday, December 19. But TA must still undergo compulsory reporting.

"He has been sent home, so the person concerned is still obliged to report, depending on the investigator, maybe twice a week he is obliged to report it twice a week," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago, to reporters, Monday, December 21.

Investigators, according to him, are still investigating this case to uncover prostitution networks. Therefore, information from the TA model is still needed.

"We still need additional information from the TA, the possibility of witnesses will also increase, we will continue to explore from this TA," he explained.

The West Java Regional Police previously named three suspects with the initials RJ (44), AH (40), and MR (34). According to him, they have different roles, while TA is now being declared a victim witness.

"For this TA, we get information on 75 million one day dating," said Erdi, Friday, December 18.

According to Erdi, each pimp got a 10 percent profit. However, the police are still investigating the linkages of a number of other artists in the alleged prostitution case of the artist.

Because the pimp with the initials MR alias Alona is suspected of having a network of artists and suspected prostitutes in each region.

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