JAKARTA - Senior PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno responded to the results of the LSI Denny JA survey which stated the dilemma of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the 2024 presidential election. Namely, whether to apply for Puan Maharani or Ganjar Prabowo as vice presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto. Or instead nominate one of them as a presidential candidate in 2024.
Hendrawan denied that Megawati was not in a dilemma to determine who the PDIP candidate would be in the 2024 presidential election.
He believes Megawati has a strong intuition towards the name of the presidential and vice presidential candidates who have the potential to win a five-year democratic party. According to her political experience, Megawati is also believed to decide on the right name at the right time.
"In politics, as in business, time and momentum factors are very important factors. Here, imagination, calculation, orbital relations, political experience and intuition play an important role," said Hendrawan when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 21.
On that basis, continued Hendrawan, the authority related to the candidacy is given entirely to the Ketum, according to the party's traditions and constitution.
"And for us, the survey results are one factor considered. There are many other factors that are included in the algorithm and calculation matrix," said the member of the PDIP faction DPR.
It is known, the results of the LSI Denny JA survey in October 2022, stated that the dilemma of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the nomination of two PDIP cadres, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Puan Maharani, will be used as presidential or vice presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto.
If you propose Puan, PDIP is afraid of Ganjar being mobilized by another political party. But if you present Ganjar as vice presidential candidate, the electability of the governor of Central Java is higher than Prabowo.
Referring to the results of the electability survey, LSI researcher Denny JA Fitri Hari said Ganjar was 25.8 percent superior, Prabowo Subianto 23.9 percent, and Puan Maharani 2.9 percent. The three figures, said Fitri, are also included in the current radar of the PDIP presidential and vice presidential candidates.
"The dilemma is to become Prabowo's vice presidential candidate for Puan or Ganjar, or leave Prabowo and advance PDIP cadres as presidential candidates," Fitri said in a survey presentation, Tuesday, December 20.
If Puan as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate, continued Fitri, there will be the potential for Ganjar to be proposed by other parties as a presidential candidate. For example, by Golkar, PAN and PPP who are members of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).
However, Fitri considered it inappropriate for PDIP to make Ganjar Prabowo's vice president. Because Ganjar's electability is higher than Prabowo.
"If you turn over Ganjar as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate, wouldn't Ganjar's electability be higher? And today's PDIP is bigger than Gerindra," said Fitri.
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