MEDAN - Starting today until January 4, 2021, the North Sumatra Provincial Government (Sumut) requires immigrants to North Sumatra to submit the results of a swab test or antigen rapid test. The COVID-19 test results have a validity period of 14 days.

This rule is contained in letter number 360/9626/2020 dated December 18, 2020. Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi emphasized that the rules apply to every domestic traveler (PPDN). This provision was made to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"In this regard, you have been asked to carry out this obligation from December 21, 2020 to January 4, 2021," said Governor Edy in his instruction letter seen Monday, December 21.

"Thus passengers who do not have PCR results or Rapid Antigen Test (RPD-ag) are prohibited from entering the North Sumatra region," continued Governor Edy.

Spokesperson for the North Sumatra COVID-19 Task Force, Aris Yudhariansyah, confirmed the regulation. This provision applies to passengers from all modes of transportation entering North Sumatra.

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