REANG LEBONG - Investigator of the Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu Police, has examined 18 witnesses to uncover the murder case of a teenage boy whose body was found behind the Air Bang Stadium, Central Curup, Monday, December 12.
"Currently the case is in the investigation stage. We have examined 18 witnesses who came from close friends, family, and residents who first found the body," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Szson Sosa Hutapea accompanied by Head of Pidum Ipda Andi Gibran at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, Antara, Tuesday, December 20.
So far, his party has not named a single person as a suspect in the murder case of a victim named Redo (20), a resident of Sumber Urip Village, Selupu Rejang District.
He said that his party continues to carry out intensive examinations, including by Criminal Investigation officers in the field continuing to carry out investigations and investigations.
"The evidence found by officers at the new crime scene was in the form of a knife sarong. However, it is not certain that it was used by a potential suspect or perpetrator," he explained.
Meanwhile, the results of the post-mortem from the Rejang Lebong Hospital have been received. The results stated that there were 10 stab wounds, including in the chest, abdomen, waist, hands and back, as well as the temples of bruises caused by blunt objects.
Based on the results of the examination, he said, the murder case of the victim was estimated to have been carried out by more than one person using two different sharp weapons after seeing the size of the stab wound on the victim's body.
Mardiani (50), the victim's aunt, when she visited the Rejang Lebong Police, hoped that the murder case of Redo, who works at the tofu manufacturing factory in Curup City, could be revealed.
"We hope that the perpetrators can be caught quickly. This victim is a good person. We don't think the deceased has any problems," he said.
Previously, residents of RT 01 RW01 Jalan Lingkar Air Bang Stadium, Central Curup District on Monday (12/12) at around 04.30 WIB found an unidentified corpse lying on the side of the road dead with a sharp gun stab wound. He then reported this to the Rejang Lebong Police.
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