YOGYAKARTA - Have you heard the word persekusi? Maybe this word is really quite familiar, then what is persecution?

The reason is, although this term often comes out in various media, it is possible that some people are still confused or do not even know the meaning of persecution.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of persecution is arbitrary hunting to a person or a number of residents, and then being hurt, difficult, or crushed. The acts of persecution carried out can be torture or persecution without seeing the human side again.

Quoted from several sources, persecution has been recognized as a manifestation of a human crime since 1993 with the adoption of the International Court Statute for Rwanda (ICTR).

A year later, the International Court for Criminality Statute in the Ex-United States (ICTY) also included persecution as a form of crime against humanity.

Definition of Persecution

Not only from the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of persecution is also explained by some figures. Informed from the Education.co.id web, the meaning of persecution from some of these figures, namely:

Articles relating to Persekusi

After understanding the meaning of persecution, we know that persecution is a bad act that makes the environment restless. Therefore, the perpetrators of persecution will be subject to criminal sanctions with several articles in the Criminal Code (KUHP).

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