JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) reported that 67.84 million Indonesians had undergone the third or booster dose of vaccination. The data is as of December 18, 2022, at 12.00 WIB.

The number of people who have received three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has increased by 69,368 people, bringing it to 67,847,009 people.

Thus, it was recorded that the third dose of injection or booster of the COVID-19 vaccine had been given to around 28.96 percent of the total population who were targeted for COVID-19 vaccination as many as 234,666,020 people.

Meanwhile, the population who received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine increased by 20,299 people to 174,545,534 people, which included 74.40 percent of the total target.

While the recipients of the first dose increased by 13,139 people, the total number reached 203,889,536 people or had been given to 86.89 percent of the total target.

For the fourth dose of vaccination, which is currently still intended for health workers and the elderly, there are 13,382 additional people, bringing the total to 1,044,912 people who have undergone the fourth vaccination.

Government Spokesperson for COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro asked the public to take advantage of the use of the PeduliLindung application to find access to the COVID-19 vaccine at the nearest health facility.

"For example, if you are curious, actually in the PeduliLindung application there are already vaccination locations," he said.

He said the government continues to accelerate the provision of the first and second boosters to the public, as well as a combination of health protocols to provide optimal protection.

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