PAPUA - The group of the Head of the West Papua Communications and Information Service, Frans Istia, together with three journalists, had an accident on the Trans Papua West route from Oransbari-Ranski, South Manokwari Regency, Friday morning. There were no fatalities in the accident. Frans Istia, who drove the car alone, reportedly survived with three journalists, namely Tri Adi Santoso from Antara Biro Papua Barat, Jimmy Tabisu from TVRI West Papua Bureau, and Adri Susilo from "At around 10:00 WIT, after the Oransbari District headed to Ransiki, the car driven by the Kadiskominfo fell into the right side of the road while climbing the mountain. Thank God we are all safe," said Tri Adi Santoso, who was one of the victims of the accident, quoted from Antara. Tri explained that the car departed from the West Papua Governor's Office in Manokwari, Friday morning, at around 08.00 WIT, to Ransiki, South Manokwari, in the context of covering the Papua Provincial Government's agenda. "Initially, there was no plan for coverage to South Manokwari; but because the head of the Kominfo Service invited me to join two fellow journalists Jimmy Tabisu and Adri Susilo," continued Tri. Meanwhile, South Manokwari Police Chief AKBP Tolopan T. Simanjuntak when confirmed by telephone from Manokwari, Friday afternoon, confirmed the car accident driven by West Papua's Kadiskominfo with three journalists. "There were no casualties. Only material losses caused car damage of around Rp. 2 million. Our officers have secured the location and evacuated four victims to the Elia Waran Manokwari Hospital, South Manokwari," said Tolopan. He explained that the results of the initial inspection revealed that the car had a single accident while climbing a mountain in the Oransbari District area towards Ransiki. "This is purely a single accident and grateful that the head of the Kominfo Service and three fellow journalists survived," said Tolopan.

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