JAKARTA - Muhammadiyah Central Leadership for the 2022-2027 period has officially formed a new management arrangement. There are five additional members in the management of this period, namely Muhammad Sayuti, Muhammad Izzul Muslimin, Marpuji Ali, Agus Taufiqurrarahman, and Salmah Orbabinah who are also ex-officio Chairpersons of the Aisyiyah Central Executive. "The division and addition of members of PP Muhammadiyah is determined based on the proposal of the congress, the PP Muhammadiyah program, competence, integrity, and regeneration," said PP Muhammadiyah General Secretary, Abdul Mu'ti, in his statement, Friday, December 16.

Mu'ti explained, according to the provisions of Muhammadiyah's AD/ART, the five people were chosen to complete and complete the position and duties of thirteen members of the central leadership as the result of the congress.

"Currently, PP Muhammadiyah is still compiling the composition of the assembly, institutions, and central-level bureau whose structure has been agreed upon in the plenary meeting," he said.

1. General Chair: Prof. Dr. H Haedar Nashir, M.Si.

2. General Secretary : Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Muti, M.Ed.

3. Secretary :- M. Izzul Muslimin, SIP.- M Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D.

4. Treasurer : - Prof. H. Hilman Latief, MA, Ph.D.- Drs. H. Marpuji Ali, MSI.

Head of Division: 1. Head of Organization, Ideology, Cadreization, and AMM Development : Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M.Ag.

2. Head of Tarjih and Tajdid fields: Prof. Dr. H Syamsul Anwar, MA

3. Head of Tabligh Division, Community Da'wah, Islamic Boarding School, and Hajj-Umrah Guidance : Dr. HM Saad Ibrahim, MA

4. Head of Education, Culture, and Sports Division: Prof. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd. 5. Head of General Health Development, Social Welfare, and Disaster Resilience : dr. H Agus Taufiqurrohman, Sp.S., M.Kes.6. Head of Economic, Business and Halal Industry Division : Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP.

7. Head of MSME, Community Empowerment and Environment Division : Dr. H. Anwar Abbas, MM, M.Ag.

8. Head of Law, Human Rights and Hukmah : Dr. HM Busyro Muqoddas, SH, M. Hum.

9. Head of Bistaka, Informatics and Digitalization Division : Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Kahmad, M.Si.

10. Head of Branch Development and Mosque Development : Drs. H. A Dahlan Rais, M. Hum.

11. Head of International Relations and Cooperation : Prof. Dr. H Syafiq A. Mughni

12. Head of Family Resilience Development Division : Dr. Apt. Hj. Salmah Orbabinah, M.Kes.

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