YOGYAKARTA The profile of Sahat Tua Simanjuntak received the spotlight after the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Wednesday night, December 14 in Surabaya, East Java.

In the OTT activity, the KPK also confiscated some money. The OTT is suspected to be related to grant funds from community groups.

As is known, Sahat Tua P. Simandjuntak, Sh is Deputy Chairman of the East Java Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). The position has been held since September 30, 2019. In addition, Sahat was also appointed as Chairman of the Golkar Party Faction (FPG).

Prior to serving as Deputy of the DPRD, Sahat had also served as a member of the East Java DPRD for several periods, namely 2009-2014, 2014-2019 period, and 2019-present period.

In the first period, Sahat sat as a member of Commission A in the field of government issues. After that he was appointed as chairman of the Golkar Party Faction (FPG) by the party chairman.

In the second period, Sahat managed to sit in the 5th seat after he got the highest vote, namely 52,910. Meanwhile, the total party votes were 194,165. On the official website of the East Java KPU, Sahat's votes were obtained from the Electoral Region (Dapil) 9, which includes Pacitan, Ponorogo, Trenggalek, Magetan, and Ngawi.

Sahat is not new to the East Java political scene. He started his career from the bottom by joining the Golkar Party.

Quoted from the official website of the University of Surabaya, the Deputy Chairperson of the East Java DPRD who likes this sport began working in Golkar 30 years ago. He also claimed to have helped grow the party for more than half of his age.

His interest in politics began when he attended a college at the Faculty of Law Ubaya (Surabaya University) in 1988. He decided to join Golkar since 1990. At that time he was included in the DPD II of the Golkar Party in Surabaya by serving as part of the Legal Bureau.

While in Golkar, Sahat was also active in the Central Organization of Indonesian Self-Swadiri Employees (SOKSI) to the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI).

Sahat's decision to run as a Candidate for Legislative Member (Caleg) of the Golkar Party was first made in 1997. Unfortunately at that time he failed to qualify as a legislative candidate. Sahat then tried his luck again in the 1999 election. He hopes to qualify as the East Java DPRD, but failed. Sahat again tried to run for the legislative candidate of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the 2004 elections, but again he did not get enough votes to deliver him to the desired position.

Sahat's candidacy can be achieved for the first time in the 2009 Election. He passed to become a member of the East Java DPRD from the East Java 1 electoral district which covers the Surabaya City area.

Not only in the world of politics, but Sahat Tua also recently received a certificate of IJI in East Java Province. The award was given by the Executive Board of the Institute of Ju-Jitsu Indonesia (IJI-PBJI) on August 28, 2022.

As is known, Sahat Tua Simanjuntak was caught OTT. Sahat is not alone because the KPK also arrested three other people consisting of expert staff in the DPRD and the private sector. Until this article was written, there had been no official statement from the KPT regarding this case.

That's information related to Simanjuntak's Sahat Tua profile. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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