JAKARTA - The NasDem Party has decided to re-use serial number 5 as participants in the 2024 General Election the same as the 2019 General Election.

"NasDem is still given the trust to use serial number 5. NasDem is ready to be the winner of the 2024 General Election," said Deputy General NasDem, Ahmad Ali, at the KPU office, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 14, evening.

According to NasDem, serial number 5 is special. Ali said the number 5 representations of Pancasila and the pillars of Islam. "Number 5 for NasDem is a special number, because when we talk about nationality, we remember Pancasila, 5 precepts of Pancasila and of course NasDem. For Muslims, of course there are 5 pillars of Islam," said Ali.

Ali hopes that this serial number can bring blessings and victory to NasDem in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. At least, he said, NasDem's votes could increase to the top three.

"We hope this will be a blessing for NasDem. In 2019, NasDem will be number 4. So God willing, with the same serial number, NasDem hopes that 2024 will be at least in number 2," he said.

The determination of the serial number of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election is based on the Government Regulation in Lieu of the Election Law (Perppu) which was issued on Tuesday, December 13.

In the Perppu signed by President Jokowi, the number of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election does not need to be drawn if previously participated in the 2019 General Election. However, the old political party is also given the option to be allowed to participate in the draw if they want to get a new serial number.

Ali added, this is the optimal result that has been given by the KPU. "Of course, the KPU's hard work does not make everyone satisfied, some are disappointed, some are happy. We accept this as a long process, and of course we are committed to protecting the KPU, so that in the future we can carry out the election properly," said Ali.

The following is the serial number for the 2024 General Election participants:

1. Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB)2. Gerindra Party3. PDIP Perjuangan4. Golkar Party5. NasDem6 Party. Labor Party7. Gelora Party8. Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). 9. Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN)10. Hanura Party11. Garuda Party12. National Mandate Party (PAN)13. Crescent Star Party (PBB)14. Democrat Party15. Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)16. Perindo Party17. United Development Party (PPP)

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