JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono asked the school's canteen certification to be healthy to ensure nutritional adequacy and protect students.

"This is our job to supervise and develop so that the school environment is safe for students," said Heru, Wednesday, December 14.

Currently, the declaration of a healthy canteen certification is starting at SDN 03 Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

He also requested that other schools in the DKI Jakarta area follow to get the health canteen certification.

With certification, the food consumed by students in the school canteen can be ensured to be safe from harmful substances or ingredients.

"Currently starting from North Jakarta (SDN 03 Kamal Muara). In order to further expand to other administrative cities/districts," he said.

Heru also requested that food safety counseling, environmental health inspections, and food checks be carried out intensively to maintain food safety in the school canteen.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, explained that to maintain food quality in the school environment, his party was conducting education and socialization, so that the School Healthy Canteen was carried out.

In addition, it was continued by establishing a Food Safety Ambassador by involving all elements of the school community who were tasked with providing guidance and supervision of the quality of food in the school environment.

In addition to the school environment, he said, food quality supervision must be carried out in their respective homes by involving parents and all family members.

"So it is hoped that it can produce students who excel and become a leading generation," he said.

He added that safe food is food that is free from biological contamination, chemicals, and other objects that can disrupt, harm, and endanger human health.

In addition, he said, it does not conflict with people's religions, beliefs, and culture to be able to live a healthy, active, and productive life.

"The lack of handling and supervision of food safety can increase morbidity and disruption of growth in children, thus disrupting the effectiveness of learning," he said.

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