JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has clarified the issue of changing the Jakarta slogan which is now designated by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to "Jakarta for Indonesia".

In dkijakarta's Instagram account, it is stated that the slogan that was changed was "Forward the City is Happy Its Citizens". This Jakarta slogan is an inheritance of Anies Baswedan while serving as Governor of DKI for the 2017-2022 period.

The DKI Provincial Government explained that the change of slogan was carried out according to the vision of the Governor of DKI who was leading the current period. In this case, the slogan "Jakarta Success for Indonesia" was determined in accordance with Heru Budi's vision for the 2022-2024 period.

"The slogan Program is used to realize programs that have been owned by the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Currently, the slogan 'Jakarta Success for Indonesia!' is used as the governor's vision for 2022-2024," explained the Instagram account @dkijakarta, quoted Wednesday, December 14.

The DKI Provincial Government said that the slogan change had also been made since the previous period. When Anies took office, the slogan "Forward the City is Happy The Citizens" replaced the slogan "Jakarta Baru" which was initiated by Joko Widodo while serving as Governor of DKI since 2012 and continued by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) and Djarot Saiful Hidayat until 2017.

"Slogan program dibuat sesuai visa gubernur yang dilakukan oleh setiap gubernur yang menjabat di DKI Jakarta," tulisnya.

Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government continues to maintain the name of the city branding + Jakarta (Jakartaplus) and its logo that has existed since the era of Anies Baswedan's leadership.

"PlusJakarta is still used as City Branding Jakarta, Jakarta's Success for Indonesia! is used as the governor's vision for 2022-2024," he explained.

For information, in recent times, the public has highlighted the changing slogan of Anies' era which was replaced by Heru. The Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics Agency, Raides Aryanto, explained the reason for the change in the slogan.

Raides said that the Jakarta Success slogan for Indonesia, which is juxtaposed with the official logo of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, is a manifestation of the role of Jakarta's development for Indonesia in the future which will experience a change in the capital city.

"Regarding the slogan 'Jakarta Success for Indonesia', the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will prepare a Governor's Decree (SK) for the use of the slogan in the future. This is to support, as well as invite the people of Jakarta, to work together to deliver the capital city from Jakarta to the archipelago," said Raides.

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