JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin has considered debates around free speech and the rights of religious people. He said the clash of cultures was an existential problem in the West.

Quoting RT, Friday, December 18, Putin said that in a year-end press conference. Putin said there was a balance between expressing yourself and insulting the feelings of a whole group of people.

"Where is the limit of freedom from one freedom to another?" asked Putin. "It is known that where one person's freedom begins, the freedom of others must end," Putin added.

On that occasion, Putin also said that people who act recklessly, insult the rights and feelings of religious people must always remember that there is an inevitable backlash. Putin then pointed to recent events in France as evidence that "multiculturalism has failed."

Last week Putin instructed the Russian Foreign Ministry to initiate discussions through international organizations on issues relating to those who insult the beliefs of religious people. Other matters discussed included triggers for hatred and interfaith conflict.

Case in France

Seven men from Chechnya have been charged in France with their alleged involvement in the murder and beheading of teacher Samuel Paty in October. Prosecutors say Paty was targeted by Abdullakh Anzorov, 18, for showing him a series of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in his class during a lesson on free speech.

Shortly after killing Paty, Anzorov was shot dead by police. Following the incident, French President Emmanuel Macron sparked controversy that sparked protests from the world's Muslim-majority countries.

Macron paid tribute to Paty as "the silent hero" and "face of the Republic." A number of Muslim countries announced boycotts of French products, with some demonstrators taking to the streets to burn statues, images and symbols representing Macron.

French media reported Paty's class discussions sparked complaints from parents of some students. Even the father of a student called for "mobilization" against Paty.

France has witnessed a series of violent attacks carried out by Islamic militants in recent years. France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe, with about five million followers of Islam.

The head of Chechen Muslims, Ramzan Kadyrov, condemned the attack. But he urged people not to provoke people or hurt the feelings of their religious believers.

"Meanwhile, find the strength to recognize that Muslims have the right to religion, and no one will take it away!" said Kadyrov.

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