PAPUA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) killed three motorcycle taxi drivers in Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua. They said the motorcycle taxi drivers were intelligence officers.

The commander of Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General J.O Sembiring denied the KKB accusation. Danrem emphasized that the KKB led by Nason Mimin had reversed the facts of killing three civilians.

"So it is not true that they (KKB) say that the victims are intelligence officers, they are really civil society who daily seek a piece of rice to meet the needs of their families by working as motorcycle taxi drivers," he said, quoted from the TNI's official website, Tuesday, December 13.

Danrem explained that the heinous murder of three people by the KKB took place in Mangabib Village, Oksebang District, Bintang Mountains Regency on Monday, December 5.

"This barbaric murder is the work of terrorists. I am also a Christian, in any religious teachings no one teaches to carry out heinous massacres which are then recorded and spread to spread fear in the community. This is a terrorist job that is being tortured by demons," said Danrem.

The Danrem stated that the KKB had also accused the victim of being an intelligence officer by placing his gun as if it were something carried by the victim.

"This is a cunning way used by KST to cover up barbarity and justify what they are doing," said Danrem.

As Danrem 172/PWY, his party also expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. "I represent all the soldiers of Korem 172/PWY who expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims of this death and barbarity of the KST," he said.

Regarding the gun used by the KKB, his party indicated that the gun was one of the organic weapons belonging to the Indonesian Army which was lost when the Penerbad MI 17 helicopter crashed in 2019 in Bintang Mountains Regency.

"In the incident of the MI-17 helicopter crash in 2019, 11 organic weapons belonging to the crew and passengers were lost and taken by the KST. The missing weapons included seven SS-1 assault rifles, three pistols and one GLM. We indicated that the gun used by the KST was one of the missing weapons," said Danrem.

Previously circulating on social media claims by KKB killed three motorcycle taxi drivers who were members of the TNI-Polri intelligence. The names of the victims are La Usu (23), La Ati (40) and La Aman (39).

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