JAKARTA - The central government has instructed the pickup of Indonesian citizens from Wuhan, China to Indonesia. Not only were medical personnel prepared, personal protective equipment (PPE), evacuation capsules, and international ambulances were prepared.

Director of Prevention and Control of Direct Communicable Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Wiendra Waworuntu, said that currently there are two evacuation schemes. First, Indonesian citizens who were in Wuhan were transferred to other areas. Second, immediately flown to Indonesia.

Wiendra said, if the scheme used was flown directly to Indonesia, after the plane carrying Indonesian citizens from Wuhan landed, the medical team would immediately evacuate. The aircraft will land in the quarantine area.

The evacuation route, said Wiendra, all involved in the evacuation used complete personal protective equipment (PPE). After that, the medical team will check, if during the examination there are Indonesian citizens who have a fever, then they will be separated to be referred to the hospital.

"Officers go up and see if there is fever or fever. So that's what is immediately referred to. But those who are not hot are considered to be immediately quarantined," he said, at a press conference, at the Ministry of Health Building, Jalan Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, Friday, 31 January.

Wiendra said those with a fever would be referred to the hospital using an international ambulance that had been prepared. However, if one has a more severe condition, the handling method is different.

"Oh, that's another matter, if he uses the evacuation capsule, he really does it or what. If it's quarantined, use an international ambulance," he said.

The officers who boarded the plane to carry out checks, said Wiendra, they used complete PPE that could not be removed before reaching the quarantine place. "When picked up, wear the astronaut PPE. At the time of the pick-up board the plane until it's safe. Take off his clothes when he reaches the dormitory," he said.

However, Wiendra was still reluctant to mention the quarantine place for Indonesian citizens arriving from Wuhan. Wiendra denied that the Ministry of Health was trying to cover up. "No, this is not covered up, because the scenario is still being discussed. People on the way can be said to turn there, turn left, turn right," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the number of Indonesian citizens in China is 249. They will be evacuated using wide-bodied aircraft so that they can be flown directly without going through transit.

Meanwhile, President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Mohammad Syahril said, to welcome 249 Indonesian citizens from Wuhan, around 100 hospitals in Indonesia are ready to handle this case. In Jakarta, there are three referral hospitals, RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Friendship Hospital, and Gatot Subroto Hospital.

RSPI Sulianti Saroso, said Mohammad, prepared 50 medical personnel to treat unhealthy Indonesian citizens when they arrived in Indonesia. As for the facilities, there are eleven isolation rooms that have been prepared.

"One room for one patient. But this room is used when referred by a team that brings home an Indonesian citizen. Of course (patients) meet the criteria. Cough, fever, and tightness," he said.

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