JAKARTA - Two people died and 18 others were injured in a traffic accident on the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road or Cipali Toll Road Km 100+900 in the Subang Regency, West Java, Sunday.Haelly Lusiawatie, Corporate Communication & CSR Dept Head of PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, in a statement in Subang as quoted by Antara, Sunday, said that the accident was a single accident, experienced by Bus Sahabat number E 7674 KA driven by Herman (47). The accident occurred allegedly because the driver was not anticipating in controlling vehicle speed, so the control lost and incoming vehicles of the median regarding the wire rope rope and signpost. He conveyed that the Cipali Toll Road Traffic Service officer who received direct information from the Traffic Monitoring Center (TMC) AstraTol Cipali team immediately went to the scene. AstraTol Cipali traffic service officers evacuated 8 minor injuries, 10 seriously injured victims, and two victims died to Abdul Radjak Purwakarta Hospital. The two victims who died in the accident were Wawan Setiawan, residents of Susukan Village, Cipicung District, Kuningan Regency as well as Windiyanto (21), residents of Pasirtanjung Hamlet, Sidajaya Village, Cipunagara District, Subang.Lusawatie said, during the evacuation process, officers had carried out a situational closure of lane two. Even so, it was observed that traffic flow during evacuation can still be passed by road users safely and smoothly. According to him, Astra Tol Cipali as the manager of Cipali Toll Road always strives to provide the best service to road users. He said AstraTol Cipali has installed various safety facilities to ensure the safety and safety of road users.

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