SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government has prepared Bong Market on Jalan Slompretan, Bongkaran Village, Pabean Cantikan District, Kota Pahlawan, East Java, to become a "Night Shopping" tour or night shopping.

"Because this is part of the follow-up to activities at Kya-kya, later the Bong Market will be opened as a 'Night Shopping' tourist spot," said the Head of Customs Cantikan Sub-district, Muhammad Januar Rizal, Sunday, December 11.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi wants to change the paradigm that a city will become extraordinary if the government and all elements can collaborate together. As was the case when all ethnicities, races and religions in Surabaya fought and worked together in winning independence.

According to Rizal, the Surabaya City Government moves with residents every weekend to carry out community service. The community service packaged in the "Surabaya Moving" program is not only targeting residents in villages, but also markets.

One of them is in Bong Market, which is located in the kecinan area of Kyya Kyya Jalan Kembang Jepun, Surabaya. The area has now been completely cleared, starting from drainage channels, used goods, to garbage in the market that cannot escape the target of residents.

Rizal said the "Surabaya Moving" program this time was not only attended by residents who were in the village, but traders who were selling at Bong Market were also enthusiastic about participating.

The priority that is cleaned at Bong Market, Rizal continued, is to open channels that are suspected of being hampered by garbage and sedimentation. According to information from residents, the last time Bong Market was completely cleaned, the last time it was carried out was two years ago.

As a result of being rarely cleaned, lately, Bong Market often experiences inundation in deep areas when it rains. Of course, it makes a number of traders and market visitors feel uncomfortable.

"According to information from residents, there are puddles when it rains, although it recedes quickly, this must have disturbed the comfort of traders and visitors," said Rizal.

The constraints on the market population cannot be completely cleared due to the lack of equipment. So that environmental cleaning is not carried out thoroughly.

After cleaning thoroughly, added Rizal, gradually the Bong Market will be be beautified starting with painting and adding other knick-knacks.

"Later visitors will be able to visit this market at night, while at the same time enjoying the thin area. Later you can enjoy the night while culinary at Kya-kya, right? It's not too far away, it's only 100 meters," he said.

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