JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito ensures that the government will provide the best vaccine for the community. The government also will not rush into implementing a vaccination program in the community.

"The vaccination program will be carried out responsibly and still adhere to the stages of vaccine development. So that later, the vaccines used are truly safe and efficacious for the community. It is important to remember, if the vaccination program will be implemented in 2021, the government will ensure the vaccines used is the best vaccine for the people of Indonesia, "said Wiku in an online press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Thursday, December 17.

Wiku said that the government is currently committed to providing free vaccines to all people. This is done to ensure that all people get protection from COVID-19 and as an effort to create collective immunity in Indonesia.

So that in the future, all agencies without exception must make vaccination a priority program. The goal, so that this program can run well.

"All agencies, regional or central government also need to follow up on the vaccination program so that it becomes a priority program so that the program can run well," he said.

It is known, based on the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 9860/2020, the government has determined six types of COVID-19 vaccines that can be used, namely Bio Farma, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer / Biotech, and Sinovac.

This vaccination will be carried out free of charge and this was announced directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Wednesday, December 16 yesterday.

This decision was taken after listening to public complaints and recalculating state finances.

"So after receiving input from the public and after recalculating, recalculating state finances, I can say that the COVID-19 vaccine for the public is free. There is no charge at all for free," he said in a video statement uploaded on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat.

With the free cost of vaccines, in the future, there will be no more reasons for people to vaccinate.

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