JAKARTA - Central Java is considered successful in building talent management systems and improving personnel services within the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Through a Merit system that is all based on smart bureaucracy (from manual to digital), promotion and transfer of ASN in Central Java to fill positions, not based on seniority or closeness, but based on the best talents according to qualifications, competence and performance.

The talent management system built by Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has also succeeded in eroded the culture of deposits, deposits, or the practice of buying and selling positions.

So it is not surprising that the meritocracy system created by Central Java is a reference for other provinces. Not only that, the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) gave the 2021 Meritocracy Award. In that award, Central Java won with points 335.5 or the very good category.

KASN also entrusted the Central Java Provincial Government to hold its own Meritocracy Award to districts/cities in Central Java that had implemented the Merit System in ASN Management in the Good category.

The HR analyst of the Young Expert Apparatus of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of Surakarta City, Nirwan Pambudi, admitted that the implementation of talent management carried out by the Provincial Government through the Central Java BKD was very good, and became a qibla for BKD in districts/cities.

''We appreciate the provincial meritocracy index with a very good value category. So in our opinion it deserves an award at the national level. We are also trying to implement this system in ASN recruitment,'' he said when contacted, Wednesday (7/12).

According to him, referring to what the province is doing, the Surakarta BKD has also tried its best in appointing ASN according to competence. Indeed, there are several ASNs whose education qualifications and positions are not qualified, but he ensures that all are based on competence, integrity and performance, not like and dislike factors, closeness or political background.

''In Solo, there is no element of political intervention on average. We prove that with a new mechanism, the process in the open selection of supervisory positions (echelon IV) in regional elements. We open the position of village head, sub-district head. We measure the competence, work experience, performance. If you meet the requirements, you will be placed according to your position," he said.

Di also emphasized that as the party guarding promotions, transfers of positions, including the highest structural positions ranging from the head of service to the regional secretary in Surakarta, interested parties are guaranteed to 'not play' deposits, money, tributes, and gratuities.

'' Like Central Java province, Surakarta also won the KASN award in the Good category in meritocracy. The key to this success cannot be separated from the policy of the leadership (mayor) that provides support,' he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Mutation, Promotion and Development of the AsN Competency BKPSDM of Purworejo Regency, Dwita Puspitasari, said that the Central Java Provincial Government is one of the pioneers in creating talent management in the placement of ASN which is a reference from Kabuptan/Kota which is in the process of building talent management.

''In my opinion, the merit system in personnel management changes the leadership paradigm from placement according to the seniority of the rank list, to based on competency and performance qualifications. The merit system spurs all agencies to build talent management so that all agencies have ASN databases as the basis for placement in positions,' he explained.

Dikatakaka Dwita, keberhasilan manajemen kegawasian di Jateng membuat penyebaran jabatan berdasarkan data-data yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sehingga akan menutup peluang jual beli jabatan.

''The Central Java Provincial Government is very worthy of awards and special mentions of commitment by looking at the leadership's commitment and support by superior human resources so that they can achieve extraordinary achievements,' he said.

When receiving the 2021 Meritocracy Award from KASN in Surabaya, Ganjar Pranowo said there was a long discussion in the preparation of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN which is also related to the merit system.

Ganjar said the award is expected to further trigger the provincial government and district/city governments to implement a better merit system. Thus, there is no longer political intervention under the pretext of retaliatory.

Give them a credible opportunity, have integrity, are competent to sit (in positions). No longer think about likes and dislikes, we encourage this merit system to reduce the reward system," he said.


Meanwhile, Head of Central Java BKD Wisnu Zaroh said, under the leadership of Ganjar Pranowo, Central Java, he succeeded in transforming the management of HR apparatus based on integrity, professionalism, and competence.

The administrative transformation of employment services that has been carried out previously is that services using face-to-face that are vulnerable to KKN, using files that have the potential to disappear, take a long time, now services have used integrated digital applications starting from functional e-jabatan, e-mutation, and e-files.

In filling positions, he has also made transforms. Previously, the selection of positions used a 'closed career system' where integrity was not an absolute requirement, was carried out behind closed doors, and based on seniority.

Now, use the 'open cereer system' model where integrity is an absolute requirement, fair selection, and based on qualifications, competence, and performance.

''Transformation in filling positions, hope to find a leader with integrity. For echelon III selection, for example, we track the track records of candidates, for example, whose superiors, his daily days in college, his academic grades, whose friends, organizational activities. For echelon II selection, we even checked his track record when he was in high school,'' he added.

Wisnu is grateful that the bureaucratic reform built by Ganjar in ASN management also reduces disciplinary violations. These violations include attendance, then abuse of authority, and immoral behavior. He explained that the prevalence of employees was indeed finalized in the smartphone application. With technology, any ASN efforts to carry out maladministration can be monitored.

Ganjar Pranowo's commitment in carrying out the transformation received appreciation from BKN. At the 2022 BKN Award, Central Java bought three awards, namely the Special Ministerial Category for Commitment to Improve BKN Personnel Services, then the category of Implementation of Application of Performance Management, and Application of data utilization of information systems and CAT.

"Of the three awards, the priority is rank 1 (special mention) receiving the commitment to improve BKN services. This is hard because there are several kinds of BKN services, such as transfers, promotions, promotions, performance assessments, employee development, career development, and so on. That's what gets number one, and makes us proud," said Vishnu.

He stated that his party continues to perfect the staffing system in the Central Java Provincial Government. One of them, by utilizing the sophistication of digital technology.

According to him, technology helps oversee employee performance and reduce the use of office stationery (ATK). Practically, this can save the budget, and make job supervision more accurate.

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