JAKARTA - Former MPR chairman Amien Rais refused to follow the steps of a number of parties taking to the streets, aka demonstrations demanding the release of the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab at the State Palace, 18 December tomorrow.

The general chairman of the Ummah Party chose his own path. Namely choosing to meet President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly at the State Palace.

"We will ask for time to meet Pak Jokowi, right to the heart of power. So don't be afraid," Amien said when met by reporters in Senayan, as reported by Antara, Jakarta, Thursday, December 17.

Amien wants to meet President Jokowi to ask that the current political attractions be stopped, because according to him, this will only divide the Indonesian nation.

He also wanted to ask President Jokowi not to give 'strong winds' to communism. This is because he feels that the government is somewhat biased in relation to Beijing (China).

Meanwhile, said Amien, he was old enough to demonstrate. Therefore, according to him, this action would only be followed by younger activists.

Amien's statement was made to answer questions from the media crew regarding the existence of an action plan from elements of society on behalf of the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI to demand that the shooting case of six members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) laskar be thoroughly investigated.

"Oh, I think that is enough. I am old," Amien said while requesting that the demonstration be carried out constitutionally well.

The Polda Metro Jaya emphasized that it would not give permission to crowds in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Including permission to protest in front of the State Palace on Friday, 18 December tomorrow.

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