Jokowi Will Download Mantu, This Is The Figure Of Mr. Kusir Who Brought Kaesang And Erina On The Special Train
Warsito on a horse that will carry Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono during the Ngunduh Mantu event in Mangkunegaran Surakarta/ Photo: Doc. Aiptu Warsito

SURAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to hold a Ngunduh Mantu event after the wedding of his youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono.

The Ngunduh Mantu reception will be held in Mangkunegaran Surakarta, Sunday, December 11. Related parties involved in the event admitted that they were ready to carry out the celebration, including the horse carriage coach who would bring Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono. Who is the coachman?

Aiptu Warsito, Babhinkamtibmas at the Kesugihan Police Station, Cilacap, who was appointed by the committee as the horse carriage coachman who brought Kaesang and Erina. Warsito is believed to be the coachtrain coachman because of a series of experience being the coachman.

Gladi is clean on Saturday (10 December), it is final before the next day (Sunday 11 December). 10 horse trains have been prepared. Especially for Kaesang and Erina, one train was carried by 6 horses. While the other train was 2 horses. " said Warsito while talking to VOI, Thursday morning, December 8.

Mr. Babhin explained that the initial start of Kaesang and Erina and their families taking the train started from the Surakarta Mayor's Office House at the end point in Mangkunegaran.

"Starting from the Surakarta Mayor's Office House to Mangkunegaran, the distance is about 2 kilos." he said.

Judging from the background of Mr. Babhin who became the coachman of Kaesang and Erina, it turns out that Aiptu Warsito is experienced with horses in Sojiwan Hamlet, Kebondalem Kidul Village, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency, Central Java.

The Warsito family has horses and wagons, so the habit of caring for horses is a derivative of their parents. Even Warsito has often participated in major events such as the Archipelago Palace Festival in Yogyakarta, the Nusantara Palace Festival in the Solo and Cirebon Palaces, the Jumengan Order of Dalem PB X and the wedding of the son of PB X, and many more.

"And fortunately this activity is always supported by the Cilacap Police Chief," concluded Warsito.

Although he participated in many major events, Warsito admitted that he was surprised when the committee came and chose him to be the coach of Kaesang and Erina at the Ngunduh Mantu event later.

"He was surprised, he was human. But yes, it's normal for parades and events everywhere." he concluded.

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