The name of the chairman of the PDIP faction of the DPR, Utut Adianto, was dragged into the alleged bribery case for accepting new students with the defendant Chancellor of the University of Lampung or Unila. Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DPR Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul denied the involvement of his party colleagues.

Bambang Pacul said that Utut was just helping to ease the burden on the underprivileged. He admitted that Utut did this by sending a letter asking for the attention of the Unila Chancellor regarding the nomination of new students.

"Those who are helped by children who do not have staff (DPR) want to enter medicine. It was written because they know and even then they are still given a written note to the Chancellor of the University of Lampung. (The contents) ask for attention from their children. staff in the test according to existing laws and regulations," said Pacul at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 6.

The attention letter also contains an explanation of the condition of the child being assisted. Pacul said the underprivileged child who was assisted by Utut wanted to be included in the Faculty of Medicine, Unila.

"People who don't have it, staff children (DPR) want to go to medicine. We will tell you, this going to medicine will cost a lot. 'We will fight, sir', are we breaking it? People want to break class?" said Pacul.

The chairman of Commission III emphasized that Utut did not entrust the child with money or gratuities for Unila.

"No, it won't be possible. Wong, who is assisted by his son staff. How did you. How did you? Bung Karno taught us all we have to help the poor. If we take the poor, it means eating the poor. People don't have to be taken. That's crazy," said the chairman of the PDIP Bappilu. Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the development of the alleged bribery for accepting new students in Unila would continue.

Including the names of officials mentioned in the trial of the case, such as the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan to members of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto.

"If the case process is already on trial, we are waiting for a report from the Public Prosecutor (Jaksa public prosecutor)," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a statement quoted on Monday, December 5.

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