JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Province, Anies Baswedan issued a Governor's Instruction No. 64 of 2020 concerning the implementation of control, as well as the Governor's Call No. 17 of 2020 on controlling community activities, to control mobility and community activities, as well as steps to anticipate the emergence of holiday clusters ahead of National Religious Holidays (HBKN) Christmas and New Year 2021.

According to Anies, Ingub and Sergub are an extra step to anticipate the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in facing the holiday season which has the potential for exposure to the COVID-19 virus. So that the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in the transition period that are still in effect will be strengthened by the presence of the Ingub and Sergub.

"That our legal instrument in the form of a Pergub (which regulates the PSBB) does not need any changes, what is done additionally are the Governor's Appeal, Governor's Instruction, and the relevant Head of Service Decree because broadly speaking we are dealing with the real holiday season entering the end of this year," explained Governor Anies in a coordination meeting with various SKPD, Wednesday, December 17th.

Anies added that although the Ingub and Sergub regulate business activities, for example in points 1b and 1c of Sergub 17 of 2020, the spirit that is implied is controlling activities that are social and family in nature. This is because Jakarta itself had experienced a spike in positive cases of COVID-19 in the family cluster due to the long holidays in the period last October and November.

"Our concern is the holiday period for joint activities in the circle of non-business activities, therefore we are calling to prepare it. That what we have regulated the potential outside the home is high, namely on December 24 to 27, December 31, 2020 to January 2, 2021. The period that people should be at home, "he explained.

In addition, the Ingub and Sergub also regulate various aspects ranging from business activities, religious activities to the mobility of the population in and out of Jakarta. For example, in point 15a No.2 Ingub 64 of 2020, which is addressed to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, it is stated that checking the certificate of the results of the rapid antigen test for travelers.

"It is hoped that through Ingub and Sergub, the things we don't want (the case spike) will not happen. We appeal to the public to prioritize being at home and reducing activities outside the home except for basic or urgent activities, so that God willing, our joint efforts will take us to the next phase, namely a safe, healthy and productive society, "said Anies.

The governor's appeal contains everyone in the DKI Jakarta area, from December 18 to December 8, to increase their activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This appeal calls for everyone to wear a mask, maintain a safe distance, and not create or attend activities that can cause crowds.

Then, in point 1b it reads, business actors, managers, organizers, or those in charge of offices are asked to impose a limit on operating hours no later than 19.00 WIB and impose a capacity limit for the number of people at most 50 percent.

Then, point 1c reads, business actors, managers, organizers, or persons in charge of shopping centers (malls), food stalls, restaurants, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and tourist attractions, to impose operational hours limits no later than 21.00 WIB by limiting visitor capacity is at most 50 percent.

Especially on December 24 to December 27, and December 31 to January 3, 2021, individuals / families reduce activities outside the home, except for carrying out basic or urgent worship activities, and business actors impose operational hours limits no later than 19.00 WIB .

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