JAKARTA The attack carried out by a group of gangsters at Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta made residents of Pekayon Village feel worried. This is because the perpetrators carry sharp weapons and do not hesitate to injure their victims.

Pasar Rebo Police Chief Kompol Agung Ardiansyah said the armed gang had previously fought.

"They just passed by. Because they have been driven away from Jatinegara, eight children have been arrested by the East Jakarta Police TP 3 (Perintis Presisi Team) team," said Agung.

Agung added that the perpetrators did not fight in the Pasar Rebo area.

Local residents admitted that they were worried about the actions of the sharp armed gangsters who raided their settlements.

As stated by Lia, one of the residents, she admitted that she was worried that the sharp armed gangsters would repeat themselves because brawls in Pasar Rebo District had occurred several times.

He also asked the police to intensify patrols to prevent similar actions from happening again.

"I'm afraid there are only victims. It's called children, if they are challenged once someone gets back to reply. Fortunately yesterday there were no victims. Hopefully, patrols will be improved," said Lia.

Sebelumnya sebuah video viral di media sosial yang merekam aksi gangster bersenjata tajam memtroni permukiman warga Kelurahan Pekayon, Kecamatan Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur (Jaktim), pada Minggu, 4 Desember.

In the video circulating, dozens of gangsters who carried out convoys using motorbikes stopped on Jalan Gandaria I and then provoked them.

The knife brandished sharp weapons such as large sickles and samurai towards settlements, while a number of other perpetrators waited on Jalan Raya Bogor.

Even in the video footage circulating, a perpetrator appears to have revoked the sign of Jalan Gandaria I before fleeing to Jalan Raya Bogor.

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