JAKARTA - PT Binawan Inti Utama and the emergency service company, National Ambulance under the Ministry of Home Affairs of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) have collaborated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MoU is to ensure skills improvement for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in the United Arab Emirates.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed at the office of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI), Tuesday, December 15, 2020. This cooperation agreement was witnessed by the Head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani as a representative from Indonesia at the UAE Week 2020 event. UAE Week was held on 15-21 December 2020 to strengthen the economy and investment of the two countries.

This Memorandum of Understanding is a commitment from the cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the UAE Embassy in Jakarta. The Indonesian Embassy in the UAE facilitates this cooperation agreement as an effort to increase the placement of skilled and professional Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in the UAE.

Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani said, this cooperation has a very strategic meaning. The signing of the MoU is related to 5 cooperation agreements signed by President Joko Widodo with the UAE, one of which is related to the provision of Indonesian labor services to the UAE.

"Hopefully this cooperation will be sustainable and continuous," he said.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates HE Husin Bagis said the memorandum of understanding was the result of discussions with hospital directors who had a great desire for medical personnel from Indonesia to be sent to the UAE.

"The Indonesian embassy is targeting 1,000 health workers within 2 years, namely 2021-2022," he said.

So far, according to Husin, many medical personnel or nurses come from India and the Philippines who work in the UAE. Therefore, improving the skills of Indonesian medical personnel is expected to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian migrant workers in the UAE. Moreover, said Ambassador Husen Bagis, Indonesia and the UAE have very good bilateral relations.

To achieve this target, Ambassador Husin Bagis has coordinated with BUMN Minister Erick Thohir so that the ministry can contribute to meeting the target of achieving 1,000 health workers.

Apart from working with the UAE National Ambulance, PT Binawan Inti Utama will also meet the demand for health workers from the Aamer Health Care Service in the UAE. The two companies from the UAE are collaborating with PT Binawan Inti Utama in the long-term recruitment of skilled workers and health professionals from Indonesia. Cooperation is also realized by providing training to various Indonesian health professionals.

To support the success of this educational program, training and placement of Indonesian health workers abroad, PT Binawan Inti Utama has collaborated with the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) and various other professional health worker institutions.

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