Watch Out For Residents Of Mount Semeru, Volcanic Ash Which Mixes With WIND Rain!
Residents saw Mount Semeru releasing volcanic material from Sumberwuluh Village, Lumajang, East Java, Monday (5/12/2022).. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Umarul Faruq/nym.

JAKARTA - The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) explained that volcanic ash that comes out of volcanic eruption activity can cause roads to become slippery when exposed to rainwater.

PVMBG Intermediate Earth researcher Agus Budianto asked motorists who live around an eruption, such as Mount Semeru, to increase their vigilance while driving so as not to experience accidents.

"Abu can be a pain if it is exposed to rain," he said in a discussion entitled 'Information on Geological Disasters and Landwater Licensing' which was monitored through the Geologist Agency's Instagram account, Monday, December 5.

In addition to being aware of road conditions, Agus further asked residents to anticipate the dangers of landslides that occur in slopes and also to be aware of the dangers of lahars being commensurate with rivers because volcanic ash is loose material that is easily carried away by water.

Lahar is in the form of deposits of eruptive material in the valley that originates at the center of mountain eruption. It is also mentioned that the secondary danger of volcanic eruption activity. The material is in the form ofVocations to ashes when mixed by water will become mud.

Based on Antara's report, lava can carry large amounts of volcanic material and volume. As a result, the damage caused in the valley affected by lava becomes fatal.

On December 4, 2022, Mount Semeru launched hot clouds of avalanches to the southeast and south with a range of more than 13 kilometers.

Currently, PVMBG has recommended that people who are included in the map of the disaster-prone area of Mount Semeru not to carry out activities at a distance of 500 meters from the riverbank (river border) along Besuk Kobokan because it has the potential to be affected by the expansion of hot clouds and lava flows up to 19 kilometers.

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