JAKARTA - Bharada's legal adviser Richard totaling, Ronny Talapessy revealed the characteristics of the woman who was seen going out while crying from Ferdy Sambo's house in Bangka, Kemang, South Jakarta. One of them is short hair.

"What is certain is that he has short hair," said Ronny to reporters, Monday, December 5.

However, it was not specified how short his hair was. It is only said that the skin tone of the sawo is ripe, the next characteristics of the woman.

In fact, when asked that the woman was wearing police official clothes when she left Ferdy Sambo's house, Ronny was reluctant to reveal it further.

According to him, the identity of the woman will be revealed to the public at the right time.

"Later," said Ronny in response to the woman dressed in police service.

Meanwhile, the existence of the crying woman was revealed based on Bharada E's statement during the trial some time ago. He said he had seen a woman other than Putri Candrawathi at Ferdy Sambo's house in Bangka, Kemang, South Jakarta.

The woman is said to have suddenly come out of the house while crying. Bharada E did not reveal her identity. The woman didn't talk much, she just cried looking for the driver. Shortly thereafter, the woman left.

"The woman said she was looking for her driver, I ran beside me to call the driver, the woman went up and just went home," said Bharada E.

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