TANGERANG - Tangerang Metro Police together with the bomb disposal team (jibom) conducted a sweep and sterilization in securing the PIK 2 music concert, Kosambi, Tangerang Regency. This aims to prevent something unwanted from happening.

Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said, for the security of the 2022 Jakarta Head In The Clouds (HITC) in the PIK 2 Community Park Area, his party involved the Jibom Team and K9 Dit Samapta Polda Metro Jaya.

"Based on the results of the search carried out by the bomb disposal team (jibom) and sniffer dogs or K9, no dangerous items or suspicious objects were found," Zain said in his statement, Sunday, December 4.

A total of 1,225 personnel were deployed to secure the concert. This is done as a preventive measure in security at that location.

"The sweeping and sterilization are carried out by personnel including parking locations, location entrances, VVIP areas, back stages, stages, field spectators, food and beverage, tenant locations, to operator rooms and crews," he concluded.

For information, the HITC concert in the Community Park PIK 2 area featured 18 international artists, including several top Indonesian artists who have gone international.

This Head In The Cloud (HITC) activity will last for 2 days from December 3 - 4, 2022.

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