JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD shared the dream story of the Fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) who met the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno.

This story was shared by Mahfud MD on his Twitter, @mohmahfudmd. Mahfud told of this incident when Gusdur attended the P4 upgrading activities in the past.

In the conversation reviewed by Mahfud, Gus Dur was asleep while participating in the P4 training. Then, the trainer woke Gusdur from his sleep and asked about democracy.

"During the P4 upgrading, Gus Dur (GD) slept. Suddenly (suddenly) was awakened by Penatar and asked about (about) the concept of democracy," said Mahfud recounting this incident, Wednesday, December 16.

After waking up from sleep, Gurdur replied that he dreamed of meeting Soekarno. In that dream, said Gusdur, Soekarno told about the concept of democracy.

"GD (Gusdur): Sy (I) just dreamed of meeting (with) Bung Karno and telling me about (to me about) the concept of democracy," said Gusdur in response as told by Mahfud.

The trainer answered. "Interviewer: This is serious, don't talk about dreams. And Gusdur answered." GD: He said democracy, how come dreaming is prohibited, "Mahfud said.

Incidentally, the dream narrative of meeting a character in Mahfud's tweet is the same as the case reported to the Secretary General of the Habib Rizieq Shihab Center, Haikal Hassan, which was reported to Polda Metro Jaya.

This report was reported by PSI politician Husin Shihab in the number TBL / 7433 / XII / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ. Husin reported Haikal Hassan because Haikal mentioned that he had met the Prophet Muhammad in his dream.

The evidence of the report is a video clip of Haikal Hassan lecturing at the funeral of six FPI laskar who died as a result of being shot by the police while guarding Rizieq Shihab some time ago.

In the video, Haikal Hassan said that he dreamed of meeting the Prophet Muhammad after Haikal's son died. Husin said, he reported Haikal Hassan because he suspected hate speech and spread false news.

"It is the right of every citizen to make a report if there are allegations of hate speech or allegations of blasphemy against religion or fake news circulating in the community," said Husin when confirmed by VOI.

"This will set a bad precedent among the people if it is justified. The fear is that one day suddenly there will be kyai who have influence because of hatred against the state, then bring up the" dream of the Prophet "and say that the Apostle gave his blessing to fight against the police. or the state, right, it could be dangerous if it is allowed, "he continued.

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