DIY - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X guarantees the living expenses of students from Cianjur Regency who are currently studying in DIY.

Sultan HB X said that he had pocketed a list of 107 students from Cianjur in DIY whose parents were affected by the earthquake. Their parents were unable to send costs for their children's living expenses in DIY.

"I ask for it to be handled quickly, otherwise what do they want to eat," said the Sultan at the DIY Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) office, Friday, December 2.

In addition to covering the cost of living, Sultan HB X also asked the campus in DIY to help with their tuition fees.

"We usually participate in living expenses such as disaster victims in other places, so we don't let the 107 students drop out," he said.

According to Sultan, the number of 107 students from Cianjur could still increase because data collection is still being carried out.

"For those who may feel that Cianjur residents who study at campuses in Yogyakarta and their parents have indeed been hit by a disaster, maybe they can register," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DIY Social Service, Endang Patmintarsih, said that his party was still collecting data on students from Cianjur in Yogyakarta.

Based on the results of the assessment of 107 students who have been registered, according to him, their families experienced various impacts, ranging from damaged houses to dead parents.

The DIY local government, said Endang, has prepared a budget from the APBD which will later be used to cover the tuition fees and living expenses of students from Cianjur.

Although the amount has not been determined, according to Endang, the student will receive financial assistance every month from December 2022 to the next six months.

"They should not be unable to eat. The plan is in the form of monthly money. The amount of assistance has not been (defined)," he said.

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