The 7-year sentence handed down to Moch Subechi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi, the son of the Jombang kiai for the obscenity case against the female Islamic Boarding School student Shiddiqiya was deemed not optimal.

The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) asked the Surabaya High Court to make a fair decision on the case of sexual violence.

LPSK Deputy Chairman Edwin Partogi said LPSK recommended that the High Court be able to decide fairly from the prosecutor's appeal against 7 years in prison, Mas Bechi.

"Recommend that the High Court can decide fairly from the prosecutor's appeal. We hope that the verdict against this sexual violence case can be a lesson. It can be a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and also a reminder for anyone that sexual violence is our common enemy and is strongly punished," Edwin told reporters, Friday, December 2.

Although the victims were protected by LPSK, they did not ask for compensation for the losses caused by the perpetrators. The victim, he continued, hoped that the criminal decision would be given to the perpetrators optimally.

"This incident cannot be tolerated. For sexual violence, we have done the pick-up of the ball. The victim only focuses on imposing criminal penalties because they do not want to be considered to take advantage/victims and also do not want to be considered to take material advantage of the situation that befell them," he said.

Until now, LPSK has provided protection to 11 protected since January 2020 regarding the Bechi case. 11 were protected consisting of 4 witnesses who were victims of 2 family members and 5 witnesses.

Previously, the son of the Jombang kiai, Moch Subechi Azal Tsani (MSAT) alias Mas Bechi was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Mas Bechi was proven to have sexually abused the female Islamic Boarding School student Shiddiqiya.

"Declaring that the defendant is legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a crime of committing an act that attacks the honor of decency," said the presiding judge reading the verdict at the Surabaya District Court, Thursday, November 17.

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