The Lampung Metro District Attorney's Office (Kejari) destroyed evidence of 59 general and special criminal cases during the period December 2021 to November 2022.

The destruction of evidence that has permanent legal force or inkracht was held in the courtyard of the Metro Kejari office.

"So a total of 59 cases are from December 2021 to November 2022 and the majority are dominated by drug cases, which is almost 80 percent," Virginia said in Metro, Lampung, Thursday, December 1, quoted from Antara.

He explained that the destruction of evidence was one of the prosecutor's duties in carrying out court decisions. "If those who have not 'inkracht' we cannot destroy the evidence," he said.

In addition, the destruction is also in the context of completing the handling of criminal cases and aims to avoid misuse or irregularities of evidence that already has permanent legal force.

Of the total 59 cases, it is detailed that 40 cases are narcotics cases, nine cases of people and property (Oharda), eight cases of security and public order (kamtibum) and two other general criminal cases.

Meanwhile, the evidence destroyed included 10.43 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 205.01 grams of marijuana and 0.99 grams of ecstasy. In addition, 16 methamphetamine (bong), eight pirex, five cell phones, six bags, three sharp weapons and one firearm.

"Then there is also three rounds of ammunition, then 1.5 meters of bamboo and 72 other evidence," he said.

A number of items of evidence were destroyed in a different way, starting from burning, burning and dissolving in water and throwing them away.

Kajari added, in 2022 there will be an increase in cases in Metro City with the most being drug cases.

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