JAKARTA - The labor group that is part of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) DKI will hold a demonstration at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta today.

When storming the office of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono today, the labor organization will demand an increase in the minimum wage (UMP) of DKI Jakarta in 2023 by 10.55 percent or to Rp. 5.1 million.

Thus, they rejected Heru's decision to increase the UMP next year by 5.6 percent or to Rp4.9 million.

The head of the DKI Jakarta KSPI Regional Representatives (Perda) Winarso said the increase in wages of 5.6 percent did not make sense. This is because several other regions can increase the UMP to 10 percent.

"The DKI Jakarta UMP is smaller than other regions, it really doesn't make sense," Winarso told reporters, Thursday, December 1 evening.

Winarso assessed that the increase in the DKI UMP should be calculated from inflation from January to December or during the current year by 6.5 percent plus Jakarta's economic growth which is estimated at 5 percent.

"After we calculated, inflation and economic growth in DKI Jakarta were 10.55 percent. So we hope that DKI Jakarta's UMP will increase by 10.55 percent. But the DKI Jakarta UMP only increased by 5.6 percent. Far away," said Winarso.

Based on the harsh calculation by KSPI, the salary of Rp. 4.9 million is not sufficient to meet the needs of workers per month. Winarso calculated that at least workers had to spend a number of routine costs such as renting a house to eating ranging from Rp. 1.8 million.

Then, workers can spend a month's transportation costs of up to IDR 625 thousand. In total it can reach IDR 3.4 million.

"That's only 3 components, you know. We got IDR 4.9 million, less than IDR 3.4 million, the remaining IDR 1.5 million. We haven't bought clothes, if you already have children, don't have children, don't buy credit yet, don't charge electricity. Working DKI workers can't save them," said Winarso.

"The increase in the DKI UMP has no impact. Workers who remain poor cannot meet their basic needs," he continued.

For this reason, KSPI DKI Jakarta urges Heru Budi to revise the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1153 of 2022 which stipulates the DKI UMP at 5.6 percent and replaces it to 10.55 percent.

For information, Heru set the minimum wage in Jakarta to increase by around Rp259 thousand from the 2022 UMP which was previously set at Rp4.6 million. The increase in the 2023 UMP is set in the Governor's Decree No. 1153 of 2022.

The government uses a rising variable (alpha) of 0.2. The alpha variable is the contribution of the workforce to economic growth which forms a certain value from a predetermined range of values.

The use of alpha variables refers to the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number 18 of 2022 concerning the Determination of Minimum Wage in 2023.

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