JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, will report the teacher who took the names of Anies and Mega in their school exam questions to Polda Metro Jaya.

This was expressed by Prasetio in a meeting with the agenda of providing clarification by a teacher of SMP 250 Cipete named Sukirno and the DKI Education Office.

"I will report you to Polda Metro Jaya. I ask for a photocopy of your KTP. I will report you because this has become a problem because it offends the Fifth President of Indonesia," said Prasetio at the DPRD DKI building, Tuesday, December 15.

Prasetio said he would report Sukirno to the police on behalf of the PDI Perjuangan cadre. Prasetio did not accept the general chairman of his party, Megawati Soekarnoputri, compared to Anies, in this case the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"I am a cadre of the PDI Perjuangan. Because of that I mention my chairman. The evidence is all there. Maybe today or tomorrow I will continue to Polda" he said.

As a PDIP cadre, Praseto does not accept it if the party chairman is clashed with Anies. According to Prasetio, the inclusion of these two figures was an attempt at provocation.

"How can you make a question like that? Do you intentionally want this provocation with the current situation in Jakarta? Do you want Jakarta to be destroyed?" cecar Prasetio.

"You are a teacher, sir. If you give an example, give a good example, not comparing a character to a character. What's in your mind? Do you know who Megawati is?" Prasetio continued.

Responding to Prasetio's remarks, Sukirno denied that he had a special purpose in listing the names of Anies and Mega.

"By Allah sir, I have no intention of anything. I was spontaneous when I made the matter," he replied.

For information, there are two exam questions with multiple choice answers. In one of the questions mentioned, "Mega who often taunts Anies always wears dull shoes. Meanwhile, Anies is a patient, forgiving, and not grumpy person".

Another problem is that it reads "Mr. Anies is a governor from the 2017 Governor Election. He does not abuse his position to enrich himself and his family. Instead, he uses his position to help people who are in distress. Mr. Anies' behavior is an example of attitude ..." .

When the question was fussed about, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office investigated the circulation of photos of school exam questions via short message applications and social media that mentioned the names of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Megawati.

From the investigation, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office, Nahdiana, said that the question was made because there were elements of competence in subjects regarding character building, integrity, patience and responsibility.

Even so, Nahdiana said that his party had no intention of supporting or defaming public officials. "The editorial team does have the same name, but there is no intention of supporting or defaming public officials," Nahdiana said in a written statement, Saturday, December 12.

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